Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summer Knowledge at Work - GM food - 8th july

Media source 1: Poison on the platter (30 min video by Mahesh Bhatt)

These two media sources are based on the issue of genetically modified food, with specific focus on India. The movie begins with the line "whatever appears in this film is supported by incontroversial scientific evidence", which is an attempt to assure the knower of the validity of what he is about to perceive. The movie is based on the serious health and environmental hazards posed by genetically modified food. On the other hand, the Monsanto (a multinational corporation which owns 70-100% of the global market share of different GM crops) advertisement in a prominent newspaper titled "How can we squeeze more food from a raindrop?" claims that genetically modified crops are beneficial to the environment as they use less water than regular crops. This is a perfect example of two knowledge sources that express completely contrasting and contradictory claims.

Genetic Engineering of plants is a science involving the transfer of genes from one species of any organism (including animals eg frog) to a completely different species of plant. The reason for this is two introduce a desirable trait of the organism in the crop. The initial perception to this technology varies from people who are experts in different areas of knowledge. A religious person will oppose it as it interferes with the work of God. Ethical considerations about this are bound to arise. A scientific expert (who has not yet tested a particular variety) will definitely initially experience a bout of fascination and interest, that such technology has been made possible.

However, only when he does experiment and observe the results of a GM crop and collect evidence will he be able to say whether that crop is beneficial or harmful, and how.
The movie begins by reminding the knower of various events of History, such as world wars, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters which have claimed thousands/millions of lives worldwide and left many more crippled. This, along with the the title, “Poison on the platter” create a negative perception of GM crops. They also seek to influence the knower emotionally against GM crops. The presence of various independent scientists, who are heads of various organizations for biosafety and responsible technology, highlighting the dangers posed by GM food begins to convince even the most skeptical viewer, even one who has thought throughout his life that GM food is a marvel of science, can improve nutrition and benefits the environment begins to rethink his stand.

At this point of time, the knower begins to see through the propaganda in Monsanto’s advertisement. When he comes to know that the profit-oriented acts of such organizations like prohibiting the farmers from saving their seeds, forcing them to buy seeds every year from them( which are often 5 times the price of ordinary seeds) and buying pesticides and fertilizers only from them; he realizes that these crops are produced using unethical means. Due to the fact that global environmental organizations like greenpeace and wwf are strongly opposing it due to the negative impact on the ecosystem and food chain, he realizes that Monsanto has used the selectivity of perception to misinform the people and create a positive brand image – it has probably selected one variety that uses less water, causing the viewer to overlook the fact that others may be using more water (for example Bt. Cotton needs greater irrigation than regular cotton), and that even that selected crop may be harmful to the environment in other ways – by releasing toxins into the environment or cross-breeding with weeds to produce superweeds, etc.

In the movie, the speakers mock the Indian government for claiming the GM food is banned in the Indian market. It presents the fact that tests conducted on various food items imported from US, where GM foods are sold freely without labeling, revealed that GM corn and sugar were present. Doritos contained two varieties of GM corn which are banned throughout Europe due to adverse health effects. Kellogs was found to contain sugar from GM sugarcane. This reduces the trust in the scientific observations of government agencies, as the knower begins to feel that they have been bribed by Monsanto and other GM corporations. The fact that all independent studies on Bt. Brinjal, which is being tried on an experimental basis, and Bt. Cotton in India claim that the results are much worse than claimed by government studies, and the dangers are understated by them, only adds to this mistrust.

Thus, the movie leaves us with a desire to get back our right to safe food and right to choose, which have been guaranteed to consumers. The unethical practices of multinational corporations result in anger against them. The claims in their advertisement are considered untrue by the knower.

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